Learning with Littles Learning and fun for little ones and their caregivers 2nd and 4th Fridays | September-May 10:30-11:30 am Registration Learning with Littles Registration Name of the mom (or other caregiver) attending * Name and age of your child/children who will attend * Email Phone number How did you hear about this event? Website Facebook Friend Poster Lakeland Mom Other I grant Immanuel Lutheran Church release for the limited use of my and my child's image and likeness for promotional purposes Yes No Would you like to learn more about Immanuel Lutheran Church and School, and what we offer for you and your children? Yes, please contact me with more information I am already a member at Immanuel Lutheran Church I already have a child attending Immanuel Lutheran School I am not interested in further information at this time Is there anything you would like us to pray about for you? Comments and/or questions (allergies, special requests, etc) Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.