Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary
“Immanuel exists for the express purpose of sharing the good news that the Son of God has come in the flesh and offered Himself as the perfect and complete sacrifice for the sins of every man, woman, and child … past, present, and future. Located in Eau Claire, WI.”
Church of the Lutheran Confession Home
“The CLC is a confessional Lutheran church body which is dedicated to proclaiming the Good News of Christ crucified for sinners. It is represented by congregations throughout the United States and Canada, as well as throughout the continent of Africa, India, and neighboring nations. Our teachings and practices are as narrow and broad as the Scriptures themselves, since we bow only to the authority of our Lord’s inerrant Word. The salvation won for us through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the driving force behind our efforts as a confessional Lutheran church.”
The Lutheran Spokesman (archive)
“The Scripture cannot be broken.” (Jn 10:35) “On the basis of that clear word, it will be our purpose and policy to feed God’s flock, to protect them from false teaching, to attack when necessary all teachings and practices which are not in accord with the Word, for Scripture cannot be broken. ‘We now implore God the Holy Ghost!’ W.S.”
The Journal of Theology (archive)
“The Journal of Theology is the theological journal of the Church of the Lutheran Confession. The Journal of Theology is designed to deepen the understanding and sharpen the skills of those who teach the Word of God. The Journal of Theology also testifies to the confession of our church body and serves as a witness to
Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, and His unchanging Word.”